Event: Seminar on Massachusetts Alimony Reform Statue (download flyer)
Date: November 7, 2012
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Weston Public Library
With the Alimony Reform Act of 2011, Significant Changes Were Made to the Massachusetts Alimony Law for the First Time in 30 Years
The Divorce Center, a non-profit organization of professionals from multiple disciplines providing support and education for people going through separation or divorce, is offering a seminar entitled “The New Alimony Law: A Primer for the Public on the Alimony Reform Act of 2011” on November 7, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Weston Public Library community room, Weston, MA. David L. Rubin, Esq., and Theresa B. Ramos, Esq., attorneys practicing divorce and family law, will speak on the numerous changes made to the Massachusetts Alimony Law, which had not been updated in 30 years and were prompted by the Alimony Reform Act of 2011.
The Massachusetts Alimony Reform Act of 2011 changed when and how alimony can be ordered, and when and how alimony orders can be ended. The new law affects anyone who currently is or may be receiving alimony.
Attendees will learn: (download flyer)
• The multiple types of alimony defined by the new law;
• The maximum amount of alimony defined by the new law;
• The new limits to the duration of the general term of alimony;
• When and if existing alimony orders can be modified; and
• The factors that will determine the type, amount and duration of alimony.
The Weston Library is located at 87 School Street, Weston, MA.
This seminar is offered free of charge, however a donation of $20 is suggested. For more information on “The New Alimony Law: A Primer for the Public” and to register for the seminar, visit: http://thedivorcecenter.org/public/seminars.php.
About the New Massachusetts Alimony Law
The new Massachusetts Alimony Law states that the amount of alimony should not exceed the recipient’s need or 30-35% of the difference between the two parties’ incomes. Also, the income considered when setting alimony orders does not include capital gains income and interest and dividend income from assets already divided. When modifying orders, income from a second job or overtime is excluded if the party works more than a single full-time equivalent position, or if the second job or overtime started after entry of the initial order.
The general alimony term ends upon the death of the payor or recipient, remarriage of the recipient, the payor attaining the full retirement age, co-habitation of the recipient with another person for a continuous period of at least three months, or the expiration of the duration formula, which is based on the length of the marriage. Also under the new law, alimony can be for a limited duration and can be characterized as rehabilitative, reimbursement or transitional alimony. The old law only allowed for general term alimony, which is for a longer period of time.
About The Divorce Center
The Divorce Center is a non-profit organization of legal, financial and mental health professionals providing support and education for people going through separation or divorce. Since 1983, the non-profit organization has been helping ease the trauma of divorce and make the process more civilized, especially for the children.
The Divorce Center provides two tiers of service:
• Educating individuals and the community at large about divorce and its effects, and the services and resources available to them; and
• Helping professionals from various disciplines improve the service they provide to their divorcing clients.
The organization offers its expertise and compassion to all those who need it — individuals and families, divorce professionals, religious groups, parent organizations, non-profit groups, and others who can benefit from the professional programs, public education and support groups.
For more information, visit http://thedivorcecenter.org.
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