Medical negligence is an unfortunate outcome, often attributed to an overburdened medical care system. Many parties can be held liable for negligence, from hospitals to doctors, nurses, surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, and pharmacists. Medical malpractice is defined as negligence in the medical care and treatment provided by a healthcare professional. There are many different types of medical malpractice claims. Injury from the following can be the result of medical negligence: failure to correctly diagnose a condition a misdiagnosed illness failure to adequately communicate with other medical providers prescribing the wrong medication or wrong dosage premature discharge or poor aftercare leaving a foreign object inside the body These are merely a few circumstances that can result from medical negligence. If you believe you have suffered an injury or a family member has passed away due to medical malpractice, contact us to discuss your situation. Massachusetts has specific legal requirements regarding medical malpractice cases. For example, when a claim can be made, damage limits and evidence requirements are strictly enforced. Proving your healthcare provider was negligent can be a difficult task. Massachusetts requires your medical malpractice attorney to take part in a tribunal panel to review evidence of negligence. A tribunal consists of […]